President Fata authorized us about 2 weeks ago to take our Zone Leaders, Elders Mauigoa and Sikuea, and go to Gizo to meet this group and a few members that live there.
Our airplane, a 14 seat Twin Otter ready to take us to Gizo.
We stopped on the island of Munda to load off some luggage and refuel. We LOVED the way they rolled the 55 gallon drum across the "runway" and hand-pumped the fuel into the plane. The "terminal" building is in the back left of the picture.
We arrive at the dock in Gizo.Elder Sikuea and Elder Mauigoa,our Zone Leaders, pose at the Gizo Hotel as we arrive to check in.
We were met at the wharf by two investigators, Tosiman and Otema, and Joseph Gusabatu, a member that moved to Gizo about 7 years ago with his family. After checking into out rooms, our "guides" offered to find transportation out to Teisi Toma's house. Teisi is an investigator that has been talking to us for about 6 weeks and inviting us to come. They said it was only a 30 minute walk so we decided to walk. About an hour later they told us it was 30 minutes if you walked fast. We thought we were.
Teisi Toma's house where the investigators have been meeting since February. Elder Mauigoa is talking to Tosiman and Joseph Gusabatu.
Elder and Sister Mitchell on the beautiful white beach just 75 yards form Teisi Toma's house. We love this picture but it was even more beautiful than this.
Elder Sikuea and some friends he found on the beach.
Who would ever guess what a great hat a flat volleyball could make. LOL
Tuesday night at 7pm we held our first meeting on Gizo at Teisi Toma's with a total of 40 in attendance. Thirty Three were investigators and we sang and taught them the gospel. The spirit was strong as Sister Mitchell bore testimony, the Elders taught and Elder Mitchell concluded the meeting with his testimony.
There was no transportation back to the Hotel over two miles away so we started to walk back with Joseph Gusabatu as our guide.
The full moon through the palm trees gave us a little light to show us the way home.
Elder Mauigoa, the Mitchells and Joseph Gusabatu walking back to town.
About halfway back Joseph found a house with a taxi and talked the driver into taking us on to the Hotel.
Elder Mauigoa and Elder Sikuea Loved eating at the restaurant in the Gizo Hotel !!
The Elders worked very hard teaching each day all day long. They taught a marathon of lessons to those who were so anxious to learn of the Gospel truths.
We held a baptism on Friday morning at 6:30am just before the tide went out.
Confirming and conferring the Aaronic Priesthood on the beach.
Elder Mauigoa, Brother Tosiman, Brother Teisi Toma, Elder Sikuea, and Elder Mitchell
Elder Mauigoa, Elder Mitchell, Joseph Gusabatu, Elder Sikuea.
Joseph and Alex and their families have lived in Gizo for several years and were very excited for the promise of a group being organized there.
Elder Mitchell and Alex Ifuna'au
As we were waiting for the plane at the airport, Elder Mauigoa found a Kui Kui in the sea. It has a round ball like body with spines that move like a porcupine except they are not sharp or barbed. In Samoa he says he eats them, raw.
What a great blessing to go to Gizo. We really did not know what we would find, but our hopes were high. The reality is, we found 15 members there, and about 30 very interested investigators. While there, two men, Teisi Toma, and and Tosiman Bwerei, were baptised, confirmed and ordained Priests in the Aaronic Priesthood. We are humbled to have had a part in opening Gizo to the preaching of the gospel, witnessing the first baptisms and meeting the members there on that beautiful island.
This is definitely a highlight of our missionary service.
1 comment:
Lovely blog... good news for the people of GIZO!!
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