Two more missionaries leave from the Solomon Islands making a total of six serving missions now.
Denise Rimou and Leonard Haora at the airport as they prepare to board their plane for Port Moresby to be interviewed and set apart by Pres. Fata for their missions.
We think the skinny guy behind them is a Solomon Stripling Warior.
Denise Rimou and Leonard Haora at the airport as they prepare to board their plane for Port Moresby to be interviewed and set apart by Pres. Fata for their missions.
We think the skinny guy behind them is a Solomon Stripling Warior.
Denise is from the Burns Creek Branch and will serve in Vanuatu and Leonard is the first Missionary to leave from the White River Branch and he will serve in Papua New Guinea.
Leonard Haora and his family say good bye as he departs from the Solomon Islands.
Leonard leaves his humble home in White River.
He is carrying his shoes in one hand and his suitcase in the other as he walks through the mud towards our land cruiser For the ride to the airport.
The missionary work continues to go forward here in the Solomons
Elder Borne and Elder Yama with Sister Rose Warakohia at the baptismal font prior to her baptism. She is an amazing person with an extremely strong testimony. She was baptised just 10 days after learning of the Church.
A week later she and her husband Jimmy were back on their way home to remote Southern Malaita. Jimmy also gained a testimony of the Gospel but was not baptised because he is struggling with a word of wisdom issue.
First Branch Conference held in Fauabu, Malaita
Branch of the Church
Peter Rimou, Branch President of the Fauabu Branch Staged an impressive
entry of 14 investigators who marched in together to begin the
Conference on Saturday afternoon the 18th of February.
I guess a little showmanship never hurt anyone.
These men are the elders of Kwaifala village which is 11 kilometers farther down the road from
Fauabu. They want to be taught the gospel and have come to the conference to investigate
the Church.
Our planned Priesthood Leadership training meeting ended up with 22 in attendance. While we were happy to welcome 14 male investigators it was not what we had asked for or expected and required a bit of a change in our plans. So Elder Mitchell, assisted by President Sauseru, taught a lesson on the restoration instead of the training they had prepared to give. We'll train the priesthood next time.
Humanitarian projects wrap up in Fauabu Malaita
Elder Haromera and Elder Pukari shaking hands with the students after the other members had presented each child with their own toothbrush, tooth paste and cup.
Leonard Haora and his family say good bye as he departs from the Solomon Islands.
He is carrying his shoes in one hand and his suitcase in the other as he walks through the mud towards our land cruiser For the ride to the airport.
The missionary work continues to go forward here in the Solomons
Elder Borne and Elder Yama with Sister Rose Warakohia at the baptismal font prior to her baptism. She is an amazing person with an extremely strong testimony. She was baptised just 10 days after learning of the Church.
A week later she and her husband Jimmy were back on their way home to remote Southern Malaita. Jimmy also gained a testimony of the Gospel but was not baptised because he is struggling with a word of wisdom issue.
First Branch Conference held in Fauabu, Malaita
Branch of the Church
Peter Rimou, Branch President of the Fauabu Branch Staged an impressive
entry of 14 investigators who marched in together to begin the
Conference on Saturday afternoon the 18th of February.
I guess a little showmanship never hurt anyone.
These men are the elders of Kwaifala village which is 11 kilometers farther down the road from
Fauabu. They want to be taught the gospel and have come to the conference to investigate
the Church.
Sister Mitchell provides training for the sisters in the bush chapel.
Very few of these sisters were leaders because the Branch
auxiliaries are still being organized, but nearly all of them
are baptised members.
The conference was very successful with 74 attending Sacrament Meeting on Sunday. Pretty good attendance for a little Branch of 30 baptised members. They have the most complete leadership in the district with a full Branch Presidency with a Clerk, and also an Elders Quorum President. They are a little short on axillary organisation with the Relief Society presidency the only leaders called to date in any axillary.
Humanitarian projects wrap up in Fauabu Malaita
8:30 AM Monday the 13th of February 2012 and we are ready to start our final presentation on Dental Hygiene at Kware School just like we had scheduled with the principle. Only no one is at the School but Elder and Sister Mitchell, President Sauseru, the Elders and a few members from 2 kilometers down the road at Fauabu.
About 9:30 the students started to arrive followed by a few teachers and then the principle, Moven Kutai.
About 9:45 we started our presentation with Deven, the Elders President using the school bull horn to instruct the 500 students assembled by class on the playing field below. He gave an amazing presentation to the students.
Sister Mitchell with her pikinini girl friends
at Kware School
Elder Mitchell with Moven Kutai, Principal of Kware School, smiling after another rewarding Humanitarian project.
We had just enough time to hurry over to the Clinic at Fauabu to put some last minute touches on the Urgent Care Clinic to finish off the Humanitarian project there before rushing to Auki to catch our boat home.
Elder Mitchell measures louver glass for the lab at Fauabu Clinic.
It was soon apparent that Elder Haromera had done this before and we
were grateful for his expertise.
Patients and families waiting to be seen by the one doctor on duty
View from outside the clinic
Antique operating table in the refurbished clinic
More outside views of the completed project
Sister Mitchell
This has been a very successful humanitarian project in every aspect. The local people have been deeply involved from beginning to end so they have ownership in the Clinic. Anglicans and Mormons worked together and became not only good friends but brothers and sisters as we all donned Mormon Helping Hands Vests and went to work to transform this urgent care facility at Fauabu. We can only hope that future humanitarian projects that we undertake will be as rewarding as this one has been.
On the way back to Auki to catch the Discovery 360 for our trip home we stopped to look at this grove of teak trees. These are raised like crops in Malaita, planted, grown, and then harvested 7 or 8 years later and then planted again.
Again we leave Auki, Malaita in the dust as we head for home and Honiara.
Our ship captain for the Discovery 360 is very professional and skilled in his profession. Here he is kicking back as he guides our ship home. If you look closely you will notice that in the Solomon Islands foot wear is always optional even for professionals.
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