In the spring when we found out that the Solomon Islands would be part of the new Vanuatu Port Vila Mission, we wondered if we might ever get the chance to visit Vanuatu. When President and Sister Brewer came to the Solomons two weeks ago to visit Malaita, Gizo, and to hold Zone Conference, he told us that he was going to bring us to Port Vila to meet the couples in the Mission office and receive some training. Sister Brewer picked us up at the airport and took us to the Mission Home.

We were able to visit with Brother James, the security guard at the Mission home. He served in the Papua New Guinea/Solomon Islands Mission and was serving as Branch President in the Burns Creek Branch when we arrived in the Solomons last year.
Each morning we went out the gate and started our 3 mile walk. We enjoyed the beautiful Island and the wonderful cooler weather.
The views are amazing
This huge house is one that executives stay at while working in Port Vila
Wednesday afternoon President and Sister Brewer took us on a tour around the entire Island on a nice paved road.
We visited the Church buildings, beaches, jungle, and enjoyed the beauty of the Island.
This building was just erected on this new site. The Branch that used to meet in it on another part of the Island just had a beautiful new building built. They took this one down, moved it to the other side of the Island and put it back up as a service project for this small branch.
This very old pig was doing guard duty for the building.
The color of the ocean and the waves were spectacular!
A bit windy but we had fun trying out new hair dos.
We're not quite sure what the fruit on this tree is. Someone told us it was a Noni tree, but all we know is that it's not a pineapple.

Friday night we were invited to a couples activity at one of the branches.
Saturday evening we enjoyed a Senior Missionary dinner at the Mission Home. It was great to get to know the other couples, the Chynoweths, (office couple), the Mortensens, (President Brewers counselor) and the Wallaces, (he is in charge of missionary housing and vehicles and she is the mission nurse).
Sunday we attended church at the "Numba Won Branch" in Port Vila.
They have a beautiful, big building and a large, strong branch.
Many of the Vanuatu Sisters wear the traditional "Island dresses"
Port Vila is a popular cruise ship stop. There are many tourists on the streets.
President and Sister Brewer were so good to us and we really enjoyed our week with them. They made us feel at home and a part of the Mission.